I must really thanks all my friends out there. For the enlightenment. Thanks for telling me the true meaning of "envy" and "jealousy". Credits go to Skitty and Justea. Thanks to Rogeroko, RX and Man for showing me the path of happiness. Your presence and appreciation really helps.
I know sometimes you cannot have what you want. I know there is still a long way for me. I know I'm always awake at 4am and you have no trouble sleeping. I know all these since from the start. Yet I'm gonna thank you.
I have to learn to let go. I will still be good because my mum has taught me before, good people deserve good ending.
You are just like water keep slipping through my fingers, and knowing that you have flown to another river, I can sense your happiness.
Love at Home 2014 Calendar 6X6 Online PDF eBook
7 years ago
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