Yep. I have 19th days of long vacation. Time passes so fast! Imagine I already came out to the working society since 2 years ago. 2 years! To compare that, I had served the army for 2 years and to look back I already ORDed 2 years.
Now, it's time to change. Changes take place when the current situation does not satisfy one's behavior.
I will be promising myself to make this 12-days ZBL package resourceful. What's ZBL?
ZBL = Zuo Bo Lan = Do nothing.
I will meet my friends during weekdays. Because it is so great to see my friends working then in the meantime I am free. Haha, I know I'm quite sadist.
I am going to tidy my room (which I already did)
I am going to clean my living room ceiling fan.
I TRY to bring my cactus plant for sunkissing every morning.
ADD ON: I looked at my time table and found out that my assignments are due at September. So.. I need to do something about it.
So, I promise myself in the blog entry. Then when I start my new job again I will review and see what I have done.
My name is Robert, I have lived for 24 years. I like to do things that makes me happy.
Love at Home 2014 Calendar 6X6 Online PDF eBook
7 years ago